Bariatric surgery can sound like the easy way out, but that is far from true. Despite what many people think, it takes a lot of work to become a weight loss surgery success story. Bariatric surgery patients know that already, and future patients need to understand that before safely getting their procedures. Here is why surgery is not the easy way out, and how to increase your chances of post-op success.

What can a patient expect during the recovery process after bariatric surgery? (e.g. lifestyle changes, different diet, etc.)

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Life style adaption.

expect to undergo old to young process… look younger after weight loss... hehehe. You even able to weight the shirts you kept many years ago as what my patients told me.... Indeed many good things come with significant weight loss. Your hypertension, diabetes, fatty liver ,high cholesterol may significant reduced or even disappear. but all these outcome only come if you believe yourself and work toward it with discipline. Surgery is only the first step for your weight loss journey

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Energy change

Initially you will feel low energy due to low calories intake with new eating habit but once your diet regime improves, you shall get back to normal and need to exercise for optimal outcome.

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Dietary changes

diet plan advancement according to dietitian advise, need to chew 22 time before swallow. Eat more frequent in small amount, protein, daily multi-vitamin supplement are essential steps for optimal outcome.

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Risk of anemia, Iron, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D deficiency, protein malnutrition- you need to attended bariatric clinic follow-up regularly especially the initial 1st year after surgery and take all the supplement suggested.

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Exercise for muscle toning

Loose skin is a typical byproduct of rapid weight loss. Just as your skin stretches as you gain weight (and results in stretch marks), your skin also tightens after you lose weight. However, the speed at which your skin can tighten is limited. This is generally determined by genetics, as some people have more elastic skin than others. When losing weight rapidly, fat cells are shrinking much faster than the skin can tighten, thus, loose skin.
Not everyone is equally susceptible to loose skin after bariatric surgery. Factors include age, amount of weight lost, and natural tendency to elastic skin.

Improve muscle tone through resistance training. It’s actually a great way to fill in some of the gaps left by excess skin. Exercises such as bicep curls, squats, and abdominal exercises can help improve muscle tone and fill in loose skin.

Surgery to remove loose skin? Excess skin may seem really bad at first, but give it some time. Your skin will tighten up naturally, and this tightening is a perfectly natural process. Give it at least 12 months before considering surgical options for removing excess skin.

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Mental wellbeing

Some patient felt depressed as they can't eat as usual. This is the important of dietary counselling and strict follow-up with dietary plan for adaptation. With time, you can eat more and enjoy the food you eat. Remember, YOU eat to live healthier and enjoy the food,
NOT just live to eat only!

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