Considering yourself with obesity for bariatric surgery, what is the long term outcome of surgery?


1. Weight loss and improved health indicators, including decreased blood sugar levels, better cholesterol and increased mobility

2. Reduced risk of serious medical conditions associated with obesity, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

3. Increased self-confidence due to improved physical appearance and greater ability to participate in activities that had formerly been difficult or uncomfortable for them.

4. Better quality of life due to reduced physical pain from joint problems related to the excessive weight prior to surgery.


1. Risk of complications during the procedure or afterwards, including infection, bleeding or adverse reaction to anesthetic agents used for sedation during surgery.

2. Potential for long-term vitamin deficiencies due to restriction of certain nutrients in our diet after the operation has taken place and as part of long-term postoperative care instructions from your doctor.

3. Difficulty with consuming enough calories while eating small meals throughout the day which can lead to feeling lethargic or experiencing higher levels of fatigue throughout the day than usual.

4. Possible psychological issues related to changes in body image or adjustment to a new lifestyle following bariatric surgery

“Today, more than ever before, the health risks associated with obesity are widely recognized. We are concerned about how heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, and even sleep disorders are often the consequences of excessive weight.

We understand that losing weight can be very challenging, and while many people can succeed in achieving some weight loss, sustaining that weight loss or maintaining optimal weight is often difficult, and for some, impossible.”

Weight regain after bariatric surgery. Elaborate why weight regain occurs and how to prevent it?

Weight regain is not an uncommon side effect of bariatric surgery. In fact, up to a third of patients who undergo the procedure may experience moderate weight regain within 2-5 years following their procedure. This number increases when considering long-term results extending past five years.

There are a variety of reasons why weight regain occurs after surgery, including nutritional problems like food intolerances or nutrient deficiencies, inadequate physical activity levels or adhering to intense exercise routines that are not sustainable long-term, decreased metabolism due to changes in gut hormones and the body’s adaptation to the surgery, dehydration or lack of hydration throughout the day and eating habits that stray from recommended guidelines put forth by medical professionals such as snacking too often between meals and/or consuming sweets more frequently than normal. Emotional and psychological issues can also play a role in weight regain after surgery if they cause overeating behaviors or disordered eating patterns that were previously absent prior to surgery.

In order to prevent or slow down the rate of weight regain after surgery, it is important for individuals to adhere closely to diet and exercise guidelines provided their doctor and nutritionist as soon as possible after their surgery. This involves maintaining portion control with balanced meal plans consisting of whole grains, lean proteins, and fresh fruits & vegetables; getting an adequate amount of sleep each night; drinking 16-20 oz of water per day; exercising regularly on most days (if medically cleared); practice mindful eating techniques such as recognizing hunger cues; stick to healthy snacks (such as those listed above) if cravings arise; avoid overindulging on sugary treats or calorie dense foods; find ways to manage stressors in healthy ways (i.e., talking about feelings with friends); and check with a medical professional about any nutritional issues/deficiencies one may be experiencing prior or post bariatric surgery so they can address them accordingly.

Nutrition and vitamins regimen after bariatric surgery

Nutritional recommendations after bariatric surgery will usually depend on the type of procedure that was performed. Generally, a few general nutritional tips to consider include eating nutrient-dense foods such as lean proteins, non-starchy vegetables and complex carbohydrates; drink plenty of water, low or nonfat milk, and zero or low-calorie beverage such as teas and water; taking vitamins and minerals specifically recommended by the bariatric surgeon such as calcium, iron, folate, vitamin B12, etc; limit intake of simple sugars, high fat foods and empty calories; eat small meals spaced throughout the day; work with a nutritionist to ensure individual dietary needs are met.

Gallstones  disease after bariatric may due to several reasons including:

  1. Rapid weight loss: Significant weight loss caused by bariatric surgery can increase the concentration of cholesterol in bile and decrease the amount of bile salts, leading to the formation of gallstones.
  2. Altered bile composition: Bariatric surgery can change the composition of bile, making it more conducive to the formation of gallstones.
  3. Reduced gallbladder motility: Bariatric surgery can lead to reduced gallbladder contractions, which can cause bile to become stagnant and increase the risk of gallstone formation.
  4. Changes in diet and lifestyle: Following bariatric surgery, patients may change their diet and lifestyle, which can contribute to the formation of gallstones.
  5. Underlying medical conditions: Some medical conditions, such as high cholesterol or insulin resistance, can increase the risk of gallstone formation after bariatric surgery.

Can I get pregnant after bariatric surgery?

Yes, it is possible to become pregnant after bariatric surgery, although women who have undergone the procedure may have special considerations. It’s important to discuss any plans of pregnancy with your healthcare provider and bariatric specialist.

When can I get pregnant after bariatric surgery?

It is generally recommended to wait at least 18-24 months after bariatric surgery before attempting to get pregnant. This is to allow your body time to adjust and heal from the surgery and provides an optimal timeline for successful weight loss and nutritional balance. During this time, it’s important to continue to closely follow the dietary guidelines provided by your bariatric team. Consulting with a fertility doctor or nutritionist can provide additional advice for pregnancy planning after bariatric surgery.