Wonder of bariatric surgery~metabolic surgery to treat obese diabetes

Mini-gastric bypass BPL 2m
Initial Weight 100kg , BMI 32.3, central obesity typical features of metabolic syndrome due to excessive visceral fat…..

He has uncontrolled diabetes with 5 medications including insulin and also medication for hypertension, hyperlipidermia……

1 year later, after mini-gastric bypass. He lives healthier, lose significant weight . He has well controlled diabetes, no need insulin injection or other medication for hypertension and cholesterol
Happy life
初始体重100kg,BMI 32.3,由于过度的内脏脂肪引起的中枢性肥胖是代谢综合征的典型特征。
他患有糖尿病需要 5种药物包括胰岛素治疗以及高血压,高脂血症的药物……
1年后,经过微型胃绕道手术。 他生活得更健康,体重减轻了很多。 他的糖尿病得到了很好的控制,不需要胰岛素注射或其他用于治疗高血压和胆固醇的药物

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